Avoiding scams
Millions go online as a start point to new relationships, whether serious or more casual. Our safety advice will help you stay date safe.
We want your dating experience to be fun, enjoyable and safe. Follow our tips for a safe and great experience.
The person you are messaging may be everything you wished for… but you haven’t met him or her yet.
Treat people as you would if meeting in person, by along questions and taking your time. Be cautious about how much information you share.
Check the person online using Google image search, TinEye, and also check social media to see if their details match.
Many dating services offer chat and messaging services as a secure and safe way to help you to get to know people.
Scammers will try to get you away from the dating services as soon as possible. So make the most of the added security the dating services offer by staying within their messaging service.
Be wary of anyone who presses you to move your conversation away from the service too quickly.
Everyone should be on a dating service looking for a new relationship. Any request for money should ring an alarm bell, however sad or urgent their story.
Scammers want one thing and one thing only – money.
Sudden declarations of love may sound nice, but there may be another motive.
Report anyone who requests money to the dating service immediately.
Sometimes a second opinion can really help if you are uncertain over someone or something. If friends have doubts listen to them.
Be wary if you meet someone online who asks you not to tell anyone about them.
Once you’ve shared it you cannot take it back.
When it comes to pictures, only share images that you wouldn’t mind others seeing.
Not yet met the person? Take your time: don’t share personal details until you feel ready.
Going on a date with someone new is exciting, but it’s always right to take steps to ensure you stay safe when meeting up.